Christmas Snow Globes
Make an easy and meaningful gift this Christmas for your loved ones with our DIY Snow Globes or create your own unique Christmas decoration.Total: $0.00
Make a an easy and meaningful gift this Christmas for your loved ones with our DIY Snow Globes or create your own unique Christmas decoration.
Get your supplies!
You will need:
Jar (cleaned with a leak proof lid)
Laminator or Wide Masking Tape (Clear)
Micador For Artists Stylist Brush Markers
Micador For Artists Kraft Paper
Glycerine (or clear corn syrup)
OPTIONAL: Micador Modeling clay
Step 1: Make your background!
Measure roughly the size the paper needs to be, this depends on the size of your jar. Ideally the paper will go just under half way around the jar and at the height will be under the screw top of the jar. Using the Micador For Artists Stylist Brush Markers, draw the imagery you want on the card. You can add some Micador Modeling Clay to the inside of the lid to create a base and build it up - try using white clay to look like snow.
Step 2: Laminate!
If you don’t have a laminator, you can use clear masking tape to laminate your paper. Extend the tape beyond the end of the paper and cover both sides. When you trim it, leave about 5mm on either side.
Step 3: Fill your jar!
Fill your jar up half way with water (be sure to do this over a sink) and add one spoon of glycerine (this helps the glitter float) and a spoon of glitter and fill the rest with water to about 90% capacity. Stir it all together – the glitter will sit up the top. Slide your laminated card in upside down. If it is available to you, try grating a bit of PVC pipe and put in your jar to look fake snow floating!
Step 4: Secure your jar!
Putting your lid on, secure it as tight as you can. Flip the jar back over and do a little shake to test for leaks (do this over a sink!) If all is well, you have a snow globe! The scenes are interchangeable, so you can have a new snow globe anytime you like!