Our partnership with the Mirabel Foundation

Mirabel was established in Victoria 1998. It is the only organisation in Australia specifically addressing the needs of children who have been orphaned or abandoned due to parental drug abuse.


Mirabel supports children aged between 0 and 17 years and works at restoring a child’s sense of self-worth, belonging and hope for the future, in order for them to reach their full potential as young adults.


Mirabel is currently supporting more than 1200 children and young people, the most profoundly overlooked causalities of substance abuse in our society. Art plays an integral role in grief therapy among children, so the idea of providing Mirabel with the art supplies needed to allow children to express themselves was one we couldn’t ignore.

Micador is proud to donate $5 from every online order to the Mirabel Foundation!

Ben Dortimer, the owner of Micador Group, became involved with Mirabel in 2001, donating art materials for gifts and therapy. From there, his support of Mirabel grew and Ben joined the Board of Management in 2007 and was made treasurer in 2012. At the end of 2014, Ben was asked to Chair the Board of Management and remains in that role.


In addition to Ben’s personal involvement, Micador donates significantly to Mirabel each year, in funds and gifts for the children. If you would like to know more about Mirabel, or would like to donate please visit: mirabelfoundation.org.au.

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