Since 2010, we’ve made a number of changes. Some aren’t too unnoticeable, but combined have a big impact. Like changing a plastic wallet from PVC to 100% recyclable PP, for instance. Other changes have been pretty dramatic. And that’s where our green eARTh™ range comes in!
green eARTh™ is an environmentally friendly range of products that have been specially designed and made. To be classified as part of our green eARTh™ range, each product must have a real and significant environmental benefit, satisfying one or more of the following criteria:
• Made with FSC® 100% certified timber;
• Made from recycled materials;
• Made with bio-degradable materials;
• Manufactured using clean energy sources;
• 100% recyclable, when their market alternatives aren’t.
We’re amongst the first companies in Australia to be awarded an FSC® chain of custody certification, allowing us to mark our products as complying with strict FSC® criteria. Our focus is on making a difference, not trying to profit from it. We have absorbed the extra costs of making our products green, so that we can sell them to you at the same price we did before.
Help us make a real difference without the cost to our planet, or to you.