Ideas & Learning / Father's Day Cards

Father's Day Cards

Make these dapper cards for Dad this Father’s Day!
Activity Details:
3+ For ages
60 Minutes
4 Products
Total: $0.00
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Homemade cards say and mean so much more. Help your child make this card for your dapper Dad!

Get your supplies

You will need:

  • Uncooked bow tie pasta

  • Easy Wash Paint- Metallic 

  • Colourfun Brushes Flat

  • Micador Create It Art Pads 

  • Glue Stick, Card 2 early stART 

  • Card Set - Square Collected & Co

  • Micador For Artists AquaPainters

Step 1: Time to paint

Paint your uncooked pasta.

Step 2: Fold the paper

While the pasta is drying, fold your paper shirts. Cut an A4 piece of paper in half. Fold one piece in half again and make two cuts about 1.5 inches from the top of the card, leaving an uncut portion in the centre. Unfold the card and cut the rest of the strip back off the back of the card. To make the collar, fold the two cut edges towards the centre of the card, then glue these pieces down.

Step 3: Paste it

Paste your paper shirt onto the card.

Step 4: Dare to decorate

Paste your painted pasta onto the paper shirt. Decorate your bow tie. Aqua painters work really well!
