Ideas & Learning / Geometric Christmas Trees

Geometric Christmas Trees

Who said geometry can’t be festive and fun? This season, turn painting Christmas trees into a geometry lesson!
Activity Details:
4+ For ages
45 Minutes
5 Products
Total: $0.00
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Who said geometry can’t be festive and fun? This season, turn painting Christmas trees into a geometry lesson!

Get your supplies!

You will need:

  • Watercolour Palette - Stylist

  • Colourfun Markers

  • Ruler

  • Micador jR Painting Paper

  • Micador jR Future Kids Paint Brushes

Step 1: Christmas trees rule!

Using your black marker, rule out your triangle shape tree. Add a square border around the tree.

Step 2: Criss Cross!

Use your ruler and rule intersecting lines from different edges of the border. Criss cross across your Christmas tree as pictured.

Step 3: Go Green!

Paint your tree in different shades of green. For a stringer effect, try not to have the same shades touching.

Step 4: Red, Set, Go!

Paint your background in different shades of red. For a stringer effect, try not to have the same shades touching.
