Recycled Cardboard Weather Station
Create this fun weather station and create your own daily weather report, learn about weather conditions and even make weather predictions!Total: $0.00
This activity is fun to make as well as being a great tool for learning about weather, the environment and encouraging enquiry.
Once complete, this fun weather station can be used to create your own daily weather report!
Get your supplies!
You will need:
A piece of recycled cardboard
2 small paper plates
Micador Colourfun or Marathon markers
Micador jR. Safe Scissors
Early stART Glue stick
A Split Pin
Step 1: Prepare your chart!
Prepare the weather chart background by placing tape around the edge of the card. Add a square for the season cards and a rectangle for the thermometer as shown.
Step 2: Thermometer!
Make a thermometer with a strip of card and your markers.
Step 3: Weather conditions wheel!
Divide one paper plate into quarters and decorate each section with a weather condition; Sunny, Cold, Rainy and Cloudy. Cut out one quarter from the second plate with scissors. Attach the two plates with a split pin through the centre.
Step 4: Season cards!
Cut four squares of cardboard. Label and decorate each square to represent each of the four seasons; Autumn, Summer, Spring and Winter.
Step 5: Put your chart together!
Glue the thermometer and paper plate conditions wheel to the weather chart. NOTE: Do not glue the seasons cards to your weather chart, you will need to be able to swap these around during play.
Step 6: Weather report!
Your weather station is now complete! Create your own daily weather report, talk and learn about weather conditions and even make your own weather predictions!