15 April is World Art Day! The theme for 2024 is 'A Garden of Expression: Cultivating Community through Art'.
We believe in the power of art to invigorate inclusivity and embrace our differences, and today we encourage everyone to celebrate art and the incredible contributions it has made to the world.
World Art Day was first celebrated in 2012 after being developed by the IAA (International Association of Art) to promote awareness about creative activity all over the world. It’s a day to honour the contributions of various artists and to promote the importance of art in the lives of all of us.
At Micador, we celebrate art for all of the different ways it empowers, guides, inspires and teaches us. Whether you’re a toddler just starting out, a student, hobbyist, or an emerging or established artist, we recognise the important role art plays in your personal and creative journey.
Art also has a very important role to play in mental health. Through our continued work with the Mirabel Foundation, we understand the gravity of art in providing people with a sense of mastery and belonging, and allowing people the chance to express themselves.
How will you celebrate World Art Day? Here are some ideas:
Practice art
You don’t need to be a professional to create art. In fact, you don’t even need to be good at it! Spend some time getting creative this World Art Day, or sign up to an art class to work on your skills; cultivating community through art is what this day is all about!
Visit a gallery
You’re likely to find an art gallery nearby that houses a variety of works from local or international artists. Exhibitions usually run for a few months at a time, and you’ll be able to view a range of styles from paintings to sculptures, photography and more.
Learn about an artist
Did you know that 15 April, World Art Day, is Leonardo da Vinci’s birthday? Considered one of the greatest painters of all time, and a symbol of peace, freedom of speech and tolerance, the date was chosen to honour one of the most famous artists in the world.
However you choose to celebrate World Art Day, we hope you appreciate the role that art plays in the world. Whether it’s the benefits to early childhood development, in promoting self-expression, in establishing communities and breaking down barriers, or generally enhancing your health and happiness, we celebrate art today and every day.
Learn more about our journey to becoming Australia’s most caring brand here.