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Balancing Screen Time with Creative Art Activities


Balancing Screen Time with Creative Art Activities

In a world dictated by digital, it's easy to get lost in omnipresent screens. Between TV, smartphones, computers and tablets, adults and children are spending more time on screens than ever before, and the risks to mental and physical health are higher than ever. In a 2021 poll by The Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, more than 90% of parents reported that excessive screen time was a problem, landing it in the number one spot of top ten child health problems, ahead of bullying and internet safety.

So while not all screen time is bad, it's important to encourage a balance. Physical activity and creative endeavours like art and craft are simple and beneficial ways to ensure children find harmony in their spare time.

Read on to discover tips on introducing a healthy offline balance

Create Child-Friendly Screen-Free Zones

Creating a quiet haven in a corner of your home can help make art time fun, and keep little ones focused on their creativity and free from screens. Set up a table with different kinds of art materials and surfaces so kids can flex their decision-making muscles by choosing their own activities.

Introduce Creative Rituals  

Set aside some time each day when you and your children engage in creative time. This can be anything from storytime, writing, painting, colouring, brainstorming or drawing. Dedicating specific time to being off screens and into a creative endeavour is a great way to reinvigorate your senses, plus the kids will appreciate the quality and present time spent together.

Use open-ended art activities that develop confidence and independence in children

When children feel like they have creative (or any) independence, it dramatically increases their confidence. Providing art activities that require little parental instruction or intervention can help greatly in the development of self-belief. Children start to focus on what they can do, as opposed to what they can't do, and they start to approach tasks with a sense of possibility.

Our favourite open-ended products for 2 to 4-year-olds:

early stART Colour and Learn Rolls

early stART Sensory Packs

early stART Colour and Play

Our favourite open-ended products for 3 to 8-year-olds:

Micador jR. Colour and Learn Rolls

Micador jR. Colour and Learn Tablecloth

Micador Stylist Watercolours Studio 53 Edition

Are you ready to discover the benefits of balancing screen time with art?

In a device-driven world, it's never been more challenging to prioritise mental and physical well-being. With the right tools and a desire to ignite that creative spark, you can be the change you want to see in your home.