Our News / Celebrating Trevor McGary

Celebrating Trevor McGary


It was shortly after we celebrated Trev’s 39th “Micador birthday” last month with him, that he broke the news to us.  It was time for him to move on to greener pastures… literally. 

Trevor joined Micador as a young man in 1984.  I was in grade 6.  He has been a constant part of Micador for as long as I can remember.  He was there when I worked over summers in the warehouse, when I finally had a summer in “the office” and had been with Micador 15 years when I took over the leadership of the business in 1999.  

A “job for life” was something that didn’t seem relevant in the modern workplace… especially not in a business that changes and evolves as quickly and as often as we do at Micador.  Trevor was able to continually adapt though, and more importantly, maintained the calm head and strong values that have been so important to the business, our Partners and to me. 

Now Trev is moving into “semi-retirement” and joining his friend at his golf course, to keep the administration and the greens and fairways in order.  Greener pastures indeed and what a perfect way to wind down a great career. 

We are recruiting someone straight away, and will keep you posted, but they have very big shoes to fill. 

Thanks for being such a loyal and steady teammate Trev.  As our Partners know, when things got hard, you were there… you were our rock.  I’m very grateful for your time with us and we will all miss you. 

Enjoy this next phase! 


Ben Dortimer

Owner, Micador Group

October, 2023